With Flowers, establish your master plan and refine your strategic orientations

Industrial and logistics master plan

In the broad sense, the optimization of network design covers a wide variety of investment decisions, including the choice of the location of industrial processes on production sites, that of warehouses and depots on a logistics network, or that of services on a territory. These decisions impact not only operational efficiency, but also the sustainability and social responsibility of organizations.

In addition to defining the network topology, it is often a matter of deciding the best implementation date taking into account changes in demand and costs.

Territorial services as close as possible to needs

Regarding the location of services in a territory, the optimization of network design has the potential to improve accessibility and equity. Whether for healthcare, education, or public services, strategic location can enable broader coverage, better quality of service and greater user satisfaction. The analysis of geographic data, combined with optimization algorithms, makes it possible to balance the load between different installations.

The Flowers platform provides all the necessary components for optimizing location decisions in each of the above areas. It combines powerful modeling and optimization capabilities and great ease of use and analysis, thanks in particular to the following features:

  • Fluid and efficient definition of a large number of alternative scenarios and their combination thanks to extensive parameterization capabilities.
  • Taking into account logical constraints that link investments together.
  • Representation of transport costs and capacities between sites.
  • Graphical representations of solutions on a map, in addition to detailed material and economic balance reports

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